Drevesni listi se sporazumevajo s trepetom bilk.
Svetilke noči. Nobena ni enaka drugi v temi.
Obrisi hiš dobivajo barve v zgodnjem jutru.
Jutro še blešči in plava po obzorju. Prekratke so noči.
Vrana zavija med letom, kot da ne ve kam.
Oblak v jutru. Jata prestrašenih ptic. Vihar se še skriva.
Drevje se ljubi. Nebo je veter med vejo in vejo.
Dan je najsvetlejši zjutraj, ko je še čist.
Drevje in hiše, oblaki in nebo in mir. Vse je prav.
Na zemlji je noč, ko je jutro še mlado. Na nebu je dan.
Odsevi sonca so zjutraj čisto drugačni, kot zvečer.
Obrisi oblaka za vejami. Kot da je drevo večje.
Storž na tleh pestuje svojo bolečino.
Nevidne stene služijo redu.
Razmišljanje: muka. Molitev: uslišanje.
Potok je legel v svojo strugo. Spet mir.
Zvoki ptic od zgoraj. Bo še kaj padlo dol?
Poletni mrak. Silhuete prehajajo druga v drugo.
Sence dreves padajo v noč.
Motno nebo skriva tisto misel.
Luči za velikim borom. Praznik.
V dekletu, oblečenem v črno, se zrcali noč.
Stopinje odzvanjajo v noč. Resnica
Vonj po mladih smrekah do neba.
Minljivo, a nespremenljivo: zaupanje.
Potem pa mir, kot da bo večno trajal.
Nikjer ptic. Pa vse žvrgoli.
Mušica prileti v oko. Zakrije oblak.
Mir odzvanja od nevidnih sten narave.
Nobeno drevo ni samo. Človek pa.
Samo jaz in nebo. Pa toliko oblakov!
Mravlja odkriva naslednji prostor tišine.
Trava. Toliko skrivnosti!
Kos poje. Sploh ne ve, da ga poslušam.
Drevo za drevesom, Nisem središče.
Ptica klepeta, kot da nima nič povedati.
Cvetoča hruška. Taka, kot vse.
Ptič. Obnaša se kot čebela.
Sraka. Bori se s sabo namesto s tešnostjo.
Zeleni vrt. Ponavlja se stara zgodba.
Oddih od misli. Nastane pesem.
Jezna raca dela red po lepo urejenem vrtu.
Nebo, zelenje, jaz. Čudež
Razmišljam, koliko nebov je za nebom.
Misel? kot ptič? pristane v preprostem.
Vsi živci so napeti, ko pričakujem njen prihod.
Cvet čebule je med sadeži tako sam!
Smejem se, ker je ptič pristal vzvratno.
Mravlja se je zmedla na mizi - ob njej vse polno zmedenih ljudi.
Tišina neba komaj prodre med hiše in ljudi.
Spomin se rojeva iz najine stare poti.
Pijani možgani mislijo skozi zastor teških vek.
Če metulj ni lahak, če ga pogledam s težo v sebi.
Srečen sem, ko se razveselim delčka sebe.
Drevo se ne zmeni za svojo senco.
Najin sprehod je zamenjal misli in besede.
Ko ne izgovorim besede, naredim prostor za novo témo.
Če bi bil ptič, bi me moj muc pojedel.
Ko zagledam luno, se zavem, da stojim na Zemlji.
Opoldanski oblaki srečujejo veter. Odkod ta moč?
Narava. Sprehod pove več, kot pogled skozi okno.
Detel na veji. Vrti se kot misel in odfrči.
Vrana prileti z drevesa, se ustraši in zbeži - sem kriv?
Zamenjam svinčnik za grafitnega. Vse brez kemije.
Veter, mraz in sonce. Termometer visi postrani.
Pišem haiku. Najprej veter, Potem učinek.
Metla, prislonjena ob vrata, čaka tako mirno!
Košček neba med drevesi. Ptiček je na spodnjem koncu tunela.
V gozdu se nič ne giblje. Le zvoki poganjajo vse.
Grd glas vrane iz drevja. Onesnaženje?
Ptiček gleda žalostno v suh vodnjak.
Dve ptici letita skupaj. Zakaj ena zavija stran?
Dva se srečata. Čuden lesk v očeh. Pogum in strah.
Pomlad se ne naveliča poslušati svojih zvokov.
V najskrivnejšem kotičku gozda pleše senca lista ples.
Otroški glas. Mine nekaj dni. Ženski glas.
Sonce pusti vetru, da plava koderkoli hoče.
Otrok. Kapljica v večnost. Starček.
Postave ljudi strižejo veter, a on tega ne ve.
Pasji gobec poliže dlan, ali ugrizne.
Napetost med ljudmi. Rani še zamik glave.
Ograja deli moje in tvoje. Čigavo?
Mož in žena. On nese sebe. Ona vse.
Dimnik je vroč poleti in pozimi. Hiša je topla.
Marjetice so kot snežinke v beli travi.
Drevo še ni ozelenelo. Suhe veje še niso odpadle.
Barve, obrisi, veter, misel. Kaj bi brez sebe?
Tema. Tiktakanje ure. Beži čas, ali jaz?
Kakšno je zunaj? Umolknem. Povsod je haiku.
Ko zagrmi, potok spremeni barvo.
Ko zaprem oči, ptice začno peti.
Lajež v tišino. Spomnim se psa, ki sem ga imel rad.
The leaves in the wind understand the trembling grass
Lights in the night. None is equal to any other in the dark.
The outlines of houses are getting colours in the early morning.
The morning is already gleaming and swimming across the horizon. The nights are too short.
A crow swerves during its flight as if it did not know where to go.
A cloud in the morning. A flock of frightened birds. The storm in still hiding.
The trees love each other. The sky is the wind between one branch and the other.
The day is brightest in the morning when it is still clear.
The trees and the houses, the clouds and the sky and peace. Everything is right.
There is still darkness on earth when the morning is young. But there is daylight in the sky.
The reflections of the sun are completely different in the morning than those in the evening.
The outlines of a cloud behind branches. As if the tree is larger.
A cone on the ground. nurses its pain.
Invisible walls are in servitude to order.
Deliberation: torment. Prayer: fulfilment.
A brook lay down in its bed. Peace once again.
Sounds of birds from up above. Will something else fall down?
Summer dusk. Silhouettes transcend into each other.
Tree shadows fall into the night.
Opaque heavens hide that thought.
Lights behind a large pine. A holiday.
A girl, clad in black, mirrors the night.
Footsteps resound into the night. The truth.
The scent of young pines touching the sky.
Fleeting yet unchangeable: trust.
And then peace, as if it shall last forever.
Not a bird in sight. And yet there is warbling everywhere
A midge flies into your eye. Covers the cloud.
Peace resounds off invisible walls of nature.
No tree is alone. Man is.
Only me and the heavens. And so many clouds!
An ant discovers the next place of silence.
Grass. So many secrets!
A blackbird sings. It doesn’t even know that I’m listening.
A tree behind a tree. I am not the centre.
A bird chatters, as if it had nothing to say.
A pear tree in bloom. Just like all the others.
A bird. It behaves like a bee.
A magpie. Fights itself instead of gravity.
A green garden. The old story repeats itself.
A rest from thoughts. A poem emerges.
An angry duck is putting things in order in a well-kept garden.
The heavens, greenery, me. A miracle.
I am thinking: how many skies are there behind the sky?
A thought? like a bird? lands in simplicity.
All my nerves are stretched because I am waiting for her.
The flower of the onion is so lonely among the fruit.
I am smiling because a bird has landed backwards.
An ant got confused on a table – a lot of confused people around.
The silence of the sky hardly penetrates down among the houses and people.
A memory is born out of our old path.
Drunken brains think through a curtain of eyelids.
Even a butterfly is not light if I look at it through the weight inside me.
I am happy when I am delighted by a piece of myself.
A tree does not mind its shadow.
Our walk substituted our thoughts and words.
Whenever I do not say the word, I make room for a new theme.
If I was a bird, my little cat would eat me.
When I look at the moon, I realize that I am standing on earth.
At noon, the clouds meet the wind. Where does the strength come from?
Nature. A walk tells me more than a look through the window.
A woodpecker on a branch. It spins around like a thought and flies away.
A crow flies down from a tree, it gets startled and flees. Am I guilty?
I take a pencil instead of a pen. Everything is without chemicals.
The wind, the cold and the sun. The thermometer is askew.
I am writing a haiku. First there is the wind then the effect.
A broom, leaning against the door, is waiting so calmly!
A piece of the sky among the trees. A bird is on the lower side of the tunnel.
Nothing is moving in the forest. But the sounds are moving everything.
An ugly sound from a crow in the trees. Pollution?
A little bird is looking sadly into an empty fountain.
Two birds are flying together Why is one of them turning away?
Two people meet. A strange gleam in their eyes. Courage and fear.
The spring never gets tired of its own sounds.
In the best hidden place in the forest a shadow of a leaf performs its dance.
The voice of a child. A few days pass. The voice of a woman
The sun lets the wind swim whenever it wants.
A child. A drop into eternity. An old man.
People’s shapes are cutting the wind, but the wind does not know that.
A dog?s mouth can lick your palm or it can bite.
Tension between people. The smallest movement of the head can hurt.
A fence can divide mine and yours. Whose?
A husband and a wife. He carries himself. She carries both.
The chimney is hot in winter and in summer. The house is always warm.
Daffodils are like snowflakes in the white grass.
The tree has not become green yet. The dry branches have not fallen off yet.
The colours, the shapes, the wind, a thought. What would I do without myself?
Darkness. Sounds of a clock. Is time running away, or is it me?
What is it like outside? I fall silent. Everywhere is haiku.
When it thunders, the stream changes its colour.
When I close my eyes, the birds start to sing.
Barking in the darkness. I remember my old dead dog.